Past President: Kim deBruin 613 242-5161
Vice-President: Sandy Latchford
President: Linda Mitchell 613 848 0220
Secretary: Susan -Donly – 613-813-3729
Treasurer: Susan Donly
PRO: Linda Mitchell
Education (coord): Evelyn Peck
Tweedsmuir Curator Mary Ellen Closson
Financial Examiner:
Website Coordinator – Linda M Mitchell
Cherry Valley – Irene Camp Mountain View -Susan Donly Hillier- Ann Lee Scammell Consecon – Sue Holmes Demorestville- Barb Foster Rednersville- Margaret Bourgoin
Cherry Valley
Organized February 1908
President: Wilma deWolde
Secretary: Michelle Guernsey
Treasurer: Angela Ferguson
R.O.S.E. coordinator: Dini Kempenaar
Public Relations: Wilma deWolde
Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month
Organized April 1913
President: Mary Blanchard
Secretary: Heather Mattis
Treasurer: Heather Mattis
District Dir: Sue Holmes
Meets 1st Friday of each month
Organized March 1919
President: Lorie Grier
Secretary: Brenda DeCastris
Treasurer: Jo-Anne Rose
R.O.S.E. co-ordinator:
Public Relations:
Meets 1st Wednesday of each month
Organized June 1914
President: Arlene Alyea
Secretary: Jane MacDonald
Treasurer: Jane MacDonald
District Dir: Lee Ann Scammell
Meets 3rd Thursday of each month
Mountain View/ Wellington
MV – Organized June 1908
W- Organized February1908
Amalgamated – July 2017
President: Nancy Wood
Secretary: Mary Ellen Closson
Treasurer: Susan Donly
R.O.S.E. co-ordinator: Committee as a whole
Public Relations: Elizabeth Shantz
Meets 1st Wednesday of each month (except January)
Organized January 2, 1909
President: Debbie Ruston
Secretary: Margaret Bourgoin
Treasurer: Dixie Cameron
Public Relations: Dixie Cameron
Meets 4th Thursday of each month