Distict Tweedsmuir Report
In co-operation with the Hastings District a Tweedsmuir Committee was formed with the mandate to track down the locations of all Tweedsmuir Histories for the Districts of Prince Edward and Hastings. The committee was made up of 7 members, 3 from Hastings and 4 from Prince Edward. Over many months we have managed to find almost all of the histories, even those from disbanded branches.
We applied to the Parrott Foundation for a grant to enable us to digitize and put online all of the Tweedsmuir Histories for the two districts. We have received news that we have been given a grant of $30,000 for that purpose. We will also be purchasing archival safe storage boxes for our original volumes.
Brenda DeCastris
District Tweedsmuir Co-ordinator